First class post

Seriously cute children's birthday cards from Lisa Jones Studio

Yes, I know these probably fall into the category of cards that adults buy for children but they are really buying for other adults. But since when do kids care about cards anyway? 

I like them because, a) I'm an adult, and b) they are cute without being twee. 

Not an easy task.
A London bus and a lollipop stop

Designer Lisa Jones and her partner Edward Underwood started out designing hand printed silk-screen stationery ten years ago. The range has now expanded to include cards, prints, tea towels and a children's book which features sixteen characterful creatures. 

Picture book with illustrations by Lisa Jones and rhymes by Joanna Skipwith, published by Silver Jungle 

These curiously engaging little critters are at the core of the card collection and are given a voice in the new book. If you're a sucker for cards featuring such, ahem, high brow subjects as smiling aliens or circus elephants then you may be interested in checking out the shopping section of the website

Loving the one-eyed alien (above)